

Pursuant to section 13 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (Personal Data Protection Code, hereinafter referred to as "code"), regarding your personal data which we have received and intend to process, we wish to inform you of the following.

1) All the information we have acquired or are currently in the process of acquiring regard the management of clients and suppliers, which is performed by inserting data into the company’s databases. This is done to fulfil obligations relating to regulatory, fiscal and contractual activities, internal work organisation, statistics, the sending of commercial and promotional information relating to and arising from our business to current and/or potential customers and any other persons connected with the economic activity of our company. Data may be processed with or without the use of electronic or automated means and includes – in compliance with the limits and conditions of section 11 of the code – all  the operations described in section 4, paragraph 1, letter (a) of the code, which are necessary to carry out the above processing.

2) With the exception of information forwarded to fulfil legal or contractual obligations, all the collected and processed data may be disclosed to:

    • our agents, emplyes, partners and supplier, in the performance of theyr duties and/or contractual obligations with them;
    • Third parties apointed by the company to fulfil, in whole or in part, obligations arising from the contract or connected to the contract
    • bancks and credit institutes for the pourpose of collecting or making payements; central credit register and/or commercial information companies, associations of compaies, debt.collection companies;
    • firms appointed by or company offering legal, administrative, fiscal, labour and health and safety in the workplace consulency services;
    • state organisations in charge of verifyingand controlling the regularity of accounting ad tax obligations as required by law;
    • companies operating in the transportation sector.

 WARNING: failure to provide your agreement to points 1) and 2) may make it impossible for us to perform the contractual obligations undertaken or to continue existing business relations.

3) Your processed data may be disclosed for purposes connected to the economic activity of our company. These data may also be communicated or disclosed abroad, both within and outside the European Union.

Data subject rights are indicated in section 7 of the code, which is attached.

The data controller is TIFERMEC OLEODINAMICA S.R.L. - VIA C. Marx 2/A - 06012 Cerbara di Città di Castello (PG), Italy


Section 7

(Right of access to personal data and other rights)

1) The data subject is entitled to request confirmation whether any personal data is held that relates to him/her, even if the data have not yet been registered, and to be notified of their contents in a legible form.

2) The data subject is entitled to obtain details of: 

  • a) the origin of the personal data;
  • b) the pourpose and methods of processing;
  • c) the logic applied when processing data with electronic tools;
  • d) the identity of the data controller, the data processor and the appointed representative pursuant to section5, paragraph2;
  • e) the people or categories of people who his/her personal data may be dislocated or made available to in theyr capacity as the optional representative in Italy, people in charge or their representatives.3) The data subject is entitled to:
  • a) update, correct or, where interested, complete the data;
  • b) delete them, demand they be made anonymous or that data held in violation of law be blocked, including data which need not necessarily be kept for purpose for which they have been collected or later preccessed;
  • c) request certification that the parties whom the data have been dislocated  or made available to, have been informed of the actions and contents of pints a) and b), unles this requirement proves impossible or involves a disproportionate use of resources compared to the right that is be protected.

4) The data subject is entitled to object, in whole or in part:

  • a) to the processing of his/her data on legitimate grounds, even though they are relevant to the purpose for which they have been collocated;
  • b) to the processing of hi/her personal data to send advertising material or for direct selling, market research or sales purposes

Tifermec Oleodinamica S.r.l.
Sede Legale Via C. Marx 2/a
06012 Città di Castello PG - Italy
P.IVA IT01698970546
REA 154816 Reg. Imp. Perugia
Cap. Soc. € 48960 i.v.


Phone. +39 075 851.03.76

Fax +39 075 851.82.26


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